Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Tell me about Reuben Morgan?

Tell me about Reuben Morgan?

Reuben Morgan was born in Melbourne, Australia in 1975. He grew up in Papua New Guinea until he was 11 before returning back to Australia to complete his high school education. He is married to Sarah and they have a son named Jones Berlin who was born in 2003.

How did you become a Christian?

It was around the end of 1992 that I finally accepted Jesus as my own. After a real time of feeling lost, I got to wonder about Christianity and decided to read some books that had been recommended to me. After reading the books "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis and "No Compromise" by Keith Green, I knew that it was real and I needed God in my life.

I made the decision to accept Jesus at the beach one summer when I was away with my family and God began to work in me- His presence has never left my life since!

Tell me about your Family?

My family is real important to me and the source of constant strenght and inspiration. I am married to Sarah who is an incredible woman of God - a great bible teacher, patient wife and remarkable mother...and together we have a son Jones who has changed my life and the way I view the world.....the greatest thing ever is to come home to the 2 of them!!!

How did you come to be a part of Hillsong Church?

I got involved in Hillsong Church when I moved to Sydney after high school to study contemporary music at the Australian Institute of Music. My goal was to move back to my home town (Melbourne) after I had finished there but over the two years I was studying I had become really involved in our youth ministry and the church team and ended up making the choice to stay. I had been writing songs on and off since I was really young but being at Hillsong Church and becoming really connected into church life inspired me to work on songwriting as a craft and for congregational worship… the more I did it the more I loved writing and what I saw God doing through the songs in churches. Worship leading and writing worship songs was something I never dreamed I would do but one of our youth pastors really encouraged me to do it and stuck with me through some pretty forgettable worship services I led but I'm glad he did.