Sunday, November 19, 2006

Dance Like David -- Rock Like Peter :: 2 Ultimate Christian Music Events for December 2006

Dear Friends:

I need your prayers!

Last Nov. 7, I discovered from my Mom that Dad was diagnosed with
terminal lung cancer. Doctors say he has 6 months. The news broke my
heart but then Mom told me that when Dad found out, he said: "The
Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want." I am so comforted by that and
I cling to it when the sadness comes.

Dad is 94 years old. 95 if he makes it to June 14 next year. To be honest,
I don't know exactly what to pray for considering his age.
Although I am unsure about what to ask God for,
I am certain that I need you to help me pray.

To help my family, I'm organizing 2 fundraising events:

1) "Rock Like Peter" - a rock concert
Featuring Barbie, Rocksteddy, Imago etc.
Tuesday, Dec. 5 at Gweilo's Eastwood
Tickets – P200

2) "Dance Like David" - A dance party
featuring DJs Benjo Marquez, Chip dela Calzada
and silverfilter
Friday, Dec. 8 at Absinthe, GB3
Tickets – P200

Please check out the flyer attached. Or go here Invitation
to Attend

Meantime, here's a list of what I need:

1) Prayers for my Dad (Chuck Burton)
my Mom (Delia)'s provision and successful fund-raising

2) Sponsors for food and drinks.
If you know Jollibee/MacDonald's/KFC/Nestea/Coke etc.,
Please put me in touch with them.
Food donations go to the performers.

3) Cash Donations are much appreciated.

4) Buy tickets / help me sell tickets

5) Raffle Prizes
Gift Certificates, Cellphones, Cool Items…

If you think you can help, please contact me at 0922.360.9686 or at
8107151. Thank you!

Much love,

Joyce Burton Titular